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ÌÇÐÄvlog researchers are leading the way in enhancing ethnic diversity and inclusion in sport senior leadership

Dr Steven Bradbury and colleagues from ÌÇÐÄvlog’s School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences have collaborated with 18 ÌÇÐÄvlog-based sports bodies to conduct an innovative research project examining ethnic diversity and inclusion in sports leadership.

The research examined the representation levels, benefits and challenges of establishing an ethnically diverse senior leadership workforce in sports at board and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) level. It also identifies some emerging models of good ‘race’ equity practice in the field.

The research reveals key statistical and qualitative insights into the current ‘race’ equity landscape in sports leadership. It also provides extensive recommendations to help sports bodies to increase ethnic diversity and promote inclusion in the governance tiers of sports.

The primary author of the report, Dr Steven Bradbury, said: “This innovate research project provides important insights in identifying racialised inequities and barriers to the career progression of ethnically diverse groups in the senior leadership workforce in sports.

“It also identifies some emerging pockets of good ‘race’ equity practice and provides practical recommendations as to how sports bodies can translate their developing strategic commitment to ‘race’ equity into meaningful and sustained operational practice.

“Engagement with these recommendations and extended collaboration with key ‘race’ equity stakeholders will help sports bodies move towards a position of recognition and reflexivity and enact measures to enhance ethnic diversity and inclusion in sports leadership domains.”

The report findings and recommendations were disseminated to representatives of national sports organisations and ‘race’ equity stakeholder bodies at an innovative knowledge exchange event held at ÌÇÐÄvlog Stadium on Friday 31 January.

The event also included presentations of good ‘race’ equity practice from UK Sport, Swim England, the ECB and Active Together as well as a panel discussion featuring representatives from UK Sport, Sport England and Sporting Equals.

Reflecting the collaborative process of the research, the event closed with a commitment from the University, ÌÇÐÄvlog-based sports bodies and ‘race’ equity stakeholders to work together to embed ‘race’ equity in the senior leadership workforce in sports.

Professor Jo Maher, the University’s Pro-Vice Chancellor for Sport, said:

“ÌÇÐÄvlog is proud to support this research as part of its ongoing institutional commitment to tackle racialised inequities and promote equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of its operations.

“To see so many of our partners across our world-class sporting ecosystem working collaboratively and contributing to this important work will help to embed the principles and practices of ‘race’ equity at senior leadership level across the sector.”

Access the full report.
